ISSN: 2791-7460
Volume : 3 Issue : 2 Year : 2024

Articles are Open Access and Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Volume: 3  Issue: 2 - 2023
1.Cover Page
Mehmet Þeremet
Page 76
Abstract |Full Text PDF

Mehmet Þeremet, Emine Cihangir, Kübra Cihangir Çamur
Pages 76 - 82
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3.Full Version of the December Issue
Mehmet Þeremet
Pages 76 - 175

4.An Ethnographic Research on Slow Food Movement: The Case of Germiyan Village in Çeþme/Ýzmir
Merve Zengin, Mehmet Þeremet
doi: 10.5505/gpts.2023.46320  Pages 83 - 96
Bu araþtýrmanýn temel amacý, Germiyan Köyü'nde turizmin Slow Food Hareketi aracýlýðýyla geliþimini ve tarým toplumundan hizmet üreten turizm köyüne dönüþüm sürecini etnografik açýdan eleþtirel bir biçimde incelemektir. Bu baðlamda yerel halkýn bu sürece yönelik deneyimleri ve günlük yaþam pratikleri nitel bir paradigmayla analiz edilmektedir. Nitel verilerin toplanmasýnda Germiyan köyünde yaþayan 42 kiþiyle yüz yüze derinlemesine görüþmeler ve 2018-2019 yýllarý arasýnda dört ay süren etnografik gözlemlerden yararlanýlmýþtýr. Bu araþtýrma kapsamýnda çeþitli sonuçlar ortaya çýkarýlmýþ olup bunlardan en önemlisi Slow Food Hareketi'nin turizmin geliþmesine ve çeþitlenmesine önemli katkýlar saðladýðý ve yerelde önemli fýrsatlar yarattýðýdýr. Ancak Slow Food köyü olarak sürdürülebilir hale getirilemeyeceði noktasýnda metalaþan yerel kültürel deðerlerin ortak hedeflerin önüne geçtiði, metanýn bir pazarlama aracý olmaktan çýkýp bir amaç haline geldiði sonucuna varýlmýþtýr. Bu durumun sonucunda Slow Food Hareketi'nin temel ilkelerine uymamakta ve bazýlarýnýn ders çýkarabileceði bir baþarýsýzlýk sürecine doðru yönelmektedir. Bu baþarýsýzlýk sürecini ortadan kaldýrmak amacýyla yerel halkýn edindiði bilginin sosyo-kültürel birikimiyle yeniden üretilmesi ve sürdürülebilir turizm odaðýna dönüþtürülmesi konusundaki baþarý örnekleri de tespit edilmiþtir.
The main purpose of this research is to critically examine the development of tourism in Germiyan Village through the Slow Food Movement and the process of transformation from an agricultural society to a service-producing tourism village from an ethnographic perspective. In this context, the experiences and daily life practices of the local people towards this process are analysed with a qualitative paradigm. Face-to- face in-depth interviews with fourty-two people living in Germiyan village and four months of ethnographic observations between 2018 and 2019 years were utilised to collect qualitative data. Within the scope of this research, various results have been revealed, the most important of which is that the Slow Food Movement makes significant contributions to the development and diversification of tourism and creates important opportunities locally. However, at the point that it cannot be made sustainable as a Slow Food village. It has been concluded that commodified local cultural values override common goals, and the commodity has become a goal rather than a marketing tool. As a result of this situation, it does not comply with the main principles of the Slow Food Movement and is directed towards a failure process which might some people learn some lessons. In order to eliminate this failure process, success examples of the reproduction of the knowledge gained by the local people with their socio- cultural accumulation and its transformation into a sustainable tourism focus have also been identified.

5.Evaluation of Spatial Change in Cooperative Housing: The Case of Afyonkarahisar
Özlem Kurtuluþ, Berna Güç
doi: 10.5505/gpts.2023.20592  Pages 97 - 113
Toplumlardaki sosyal, kültürel, teknolojik ve politik deðiþimlerden etkilenen ve þekillenen konut, zaman zaman bir sorun haline gelmiþ ve bu sorununun çözümü için farklý dönemlerde farklý konut türleri ortaya çýkmýþtýr. Kooperatif konutlarý bu soruna sunulan önemli çözümlerden biridir. Bu konut türü bir konut sorununa çözüm olmasýnýn yaný sýra dönemin konut tasarým anlayýþýný ortaya çýkarmada da önemli bir örnek teþkil etmektedir. Bu çalýþmada bir Anadolu kenti olan Afyonkarahisar'da 1970-2000 yýllarý arasýnda inþa edilen 20 kooperatif konutu üzerinde incelemeler yapýlmýþtýr. Afyonkarahisar kentinde kooperatif konut geliþiminin Türkiye'deki diðer büyük kentlerle karþýlaþtýrýldýðý ve kültür baþlýðý altýnda mahremiyet kavramýnýn vurgulandýðý bu çalýþmada, plan tipolojilerindeki farklýlýk görünürlük grafiði analizi ile incelenmektedir. Sonuç olarak konut sorununa çözüm olarak baþlayan konut kooperatiflerinin Afyonkarahisar ilinde Ankara'dan 20 yýl farkla, ancak benzer dönemlerle takip edildiði tespit edilmiþtir. Bu çalýþmada ayrýca kat planlarýndaki özel/kamusal ayrýmý analiz edilerek, camekan kapýlarý ve sirkülasyon diyagramlarý üzerinden mahremiyet kavramý araþtýrýlmýþtýr. Sonuç olarak seçilen örnekler kapsamýnda, Afyonkarahisar'daki konut kooperatiflerinde 1980 yýlýndan sonra camekan kapý kullanýmýnýn daha az yaygýnlaþtýðý, sirkülasyon þemasý kapsamýnda ise ortak ve özel alanlarýn ayrýlmasý saðlanarak sadece misafirler için deðil, evin kullanýcýlarý arasýnda da bir ayrýþtýrmanýn yapýldýðý görülmüþtür.
Housing, which is affected and shaped by social, cultural, technological and political changes in societies, has become a problem from time to time, and different types of housing have emerged in different periods to solve this problem. Cooperative housing is one of the important solutions offered to this problem. In addition to being a solution to a problem, this type of housing constitutes an important sample in revealing the housing concept of the period. In this study, investigations were made on 20 cooperative houses built between 1970-2000 in Afyonkarahisar, an Anatolian city. In this study, in which the development of cooperative housing in Afyonkarahisar city is compared with other big cities in Türkiye and the concept of privacy under the title of culture is emphasised, the difference in plan typologies is examined with visibility graph analysis. In conclusion, it has been determined that housing cooperatives, which started as a solution to the housing problem, are followed in Afyonkarahisar city with a 20-year difference from Ankara but with similar periods. This study also investigated the concept of privacy through camekan doors and circulation diagrams by analysing the private/public distinction in the floor plans. As a result, it was observed that the use of camekan doors was less common in the housing cooperatives in Afyonkarahisar after 1980, and in the context of the circulation scheme, there was a privatisation not only for guests but also among the users of the house by ensuring the separation of common and private areas.

6.Competitiveness Analysis of Çiftehan Hot Springs within the Scope of Thermal Tourism
Selçuk Avderen, Mehtap Eter
doi: 10.5505/gpts.2023.08108  Pages 114 - 125
Saðlýk turizminin alt bileþeni olan termal turizm, özellikle fizik tedavi gerektiren rahatsýzlýklarda, ameliyat gerektirmeyen aðrýsýz ve alternatif kür uygulamalarý ile bölgelerin kalkýnmasýnda önemli rol oynamaktadýr. Termal turizmde; mevsimsellik özelliði olmamasý, 20 dereceden daha yüksek su sýcaklýðý olmasý, uzun süreli konaklama imkâný sunabilmesi ve romatizmal hastalýklarýn tedavisi için ileri yaþ turistlerin daha çok tercih etmesi termal turizmi diðer turizm türlerinden farklý kýlarak, talebi giderek artýrmaktadýr. Bu nedenle Türkiye termal turizm açýsýndan önemli bir merkez konumundadýr. Bu çalýþmada, Niðde'nin Ulukýþla Ýlçesi'ne baðlý Çiftehane Kaplýcalarýnýn, Micheal Porter'ýn elmas modelinden yararlanýlarak termal turizm açýsýndan rekabet analizi yapýlmýþ ve rekabet gücü tespit edilmeye çalýþýlmýþtýr. Bu kapsamda birincil ve ikincil veri kaynaklarýndan yararlanýlmýþtýr. Çalýþmanýn birincil verileri Nisan-Mayýs 2023 tarihleri arasýnda toplanmýþtýr. 12 turizm iþletmesini temsilen birer kiþi, kamuda çalýþan üç kiþi, bölgede bulunan esnaflardan beþ kiþi olmak üzere toplam 20 kiþi ile görüþme yapýlmýþtýr. Her bir görüþme yaklaþýk 45 dakika sürmüþtür. Görüþmelerden elde edilen bulgulara dayalý olarak yapýlan analiz sonucunda, Çiftehan'ýn termal turizm alanýndaki rekabet gücünün orta düzeyde olduðu belirlenmiþtir. Son olarak Çiftehan'ýn rekabet üstünlüðü elde etmesi için çeþitli öneriler sunulmuþtur.
Thermal tourism, a sub-component of health tourism, plays a significant role in the development of regions, especially in cases requiring physical therapy, with non-surgical, painless, and alternative treatment applications. Therefore, Turkey holds a significant position as a center for thermal tourism. Thermal tourism's independence from seasonal constraints, having a water temperature higher than 20 degrees Celsius, the ability to provide long-term accommodation, and the preference of older tourists for the treatment of rheumatic diseases distinguish thermal tourism from other types of tourism. Therefore, it sets thermal tourism apart and gradually increases the demand for it.This study applies Porter's diamond framework to thermal tourism. The competitive advantage of Çiftehan hot springs in Ulukýþla District of Niðde was tried to be determined by making a competitive analysis. In this context, primary and secondary sources of data were examined. The primary data collection for the study collected between April and May 2023, involving interviews with a total of 20 individuals. These interviews included one representative from 12 tourism businesses, three individuals from the public sector, and five people from local tradesmen in the region. Each interview lasted approximately 45 minutes. Based on the analysis of findings from these interviews, it was determined that Çiftehan's competitiveness in the field of thermal tourism is at a medium level. In conclusion, various recommendations have been proposed to assist Çiftehan in enhancing its competitive edge in the realm of thermal tourism.

7.Bibliometric Analysis of Articles on Natural Disasters and Tourism
Vedat Yiðitoðlu
doi: 10.5505/gpts.2023.25743  Pages 126 - 139
Bu araþtýrmanýn amacý, doðal afet ve turizm konularýný birlikte dikkate alan bilimsel çalýþmalarýn mevcut durumunu ve deðiþimini kapsamlý bir þekilde ortaya koymaktýr. Elde edilen sonuçlar, doðal afet konusunun turizm açýsýndan daha iyi anlaþýlmasý bakýmýndan önemlidir. Araþtýrma verileri “doðal afet*/doðal tehlike*” ve “turizm/aðýrlama” anahtar kelimeleri kullanýlarak belirlenmiþtir. Veri analizi bibliyometrik analizle gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Yazýndaki birçok bibliyometrik çalýþmadan farklý olarak en popüler veri tabanlarý olan Web of Science ve Scopus veri tabanlarý birlikte kullanýlmýþtýr. Bu kapsamda belirlenen makaleler yayýn yýlý, yazar, atýf, kaynak, ülke ve anahtar kelime bakýmýndan incelenmiþtir. Araþtýrma sonunda toplam 722 makale olduðu, son beþ yýlda yayýn sayýsýnýn üç kat arttýðý belirlenmiþtir. Araþtýrma konularý bakýmdan deðerlendirme yapýldýðýnda son yýllarda iklim deðiþikliðiyle birlikte karanlýk turizm, dayanaklýlýk ve destinasyon konularýnýn ön plana çýktýðý ortaya çýkmýþtýr. Bununla birlikte doðal afet ve turizm konusunda önemli bir ülke olan Türkiye’de yapýlmýþ araþtýrma sayýsýnýn çok az olduðu anlaþýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrma sonuçlarý doðrultusunda araþtýrmacýlar, merkezi yöneticiler ve turizm sektör temsilcileri için çýkarýmlar yapýlmýþtýr.
The aim of this research is to comprehensively reveal the current status and change of the scientific articles that have taken into account the natural disasters and tourism topics. The results are important for a better understanding of natural disasters in terms of tourism. The data was collected using the keywords "natural disaster*/natural hazard*" and "tourism/hospitality". Bibliometric analysis was performed for data analysis. Different from many bibliometric studies in the literature, Web of Science and Scopus databases, which are the most popular databases, were used together. In this context, the articles were analyzed according to publication year, author, citation, source, country and keywords. At the end of the analysis, it was revealed that there were 722 articles in total and the number of publications increased approximately three times in the last five years. When evaluated in terms of research topics, it was determined that dark tourism, resilience and destination issues have become to the forefront with climate change in recent years. However, it was understood that the number of studies conducted in Türkiye, which is one of the most important countries about natural disasters and tourism, is very limited. Based on the findings, some implications have been provided for researchers, central administrators and representatives of the tourism sector.

8.Determination and Comparison of the Land Cover Types in the Aegean Region According to Globalcover 2021 and Corine 2018 Data
Mehtap Bayrak
doi: 10.5505/gpts.2023.73745  Pages 140 - 157
Fiziki faktörlerin (jeoloji, jeomorfoloji, iklim, hidrografya, toprak özellikleri ve bitki örtüsü) etkili olduðu arazi örtüsü daðýlýmý üzerinde ekolojik faktörler, sosyo ekonomik özellikler ve insan kökenli antropojenik deðiþkenler de etkili olmaktadýr. Çalýþmada Ege Bölgesi’nde, Avrupa Uzay Ajansý tarafýndan (ESA) üretilen WorldCover uydu verisi ve Avrupa Çevre Ajansý tarafýndan hazýrlanan 2018 CORINE verileri kullanýlarak bölgedeki arazi örtüsü daðýlýþ özellikleri tespit edilmiþ, ayrý veri tabanýndan hazýrlanan iki farklý arazi örtüsü tiplerinde karþýlaþtýrma yapýlmýþtýr. WorldCover verisi 10 metre çözünürlükteki Sentinental-2 uydu görüntüsünden hazýrlandýðý için arazi örtüsünün daðýlýmýný detaylandýrmasý bakýmýndan tercih edilmiþtir. Bu çalýþma farklý veri tabanýndan üretilen uydu görüntülerine baðlý arazi örtüsü iliþkisinin belirlenmesi ve karþýlaþtýrmalý analizinin yapýlmasý amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr. Arazi örtüsü tiplerini etkileyen faktörler açýklanmaya çalýþýlmýþtýr. Analizler sonucunda Ege Bölgesi arazi örtüsü türlerinin tespit edilmesinde kullanýlan farklý iki verinin sayýsal sonuçlarýnýn bölge ve iller bazýnda uyum saðlamadýðý gözlemlenmiþtir. Ýki verinin de farklý çözünürlükte olmasý ve belirlenen arazi örtüsü tür sayýlarýnýn farklýlýk göstermesi sayýsal çýktýlarýn ve haritalardaki arazi örtüsünün alansal daðýlýþlarýnýn da farklýlaþmasýna neden olmuþtur. Bölgede arazi örtüsü tiplerinin daðýlýþýnda Jeomorfoloji baþta olmak üzere, iklim özellikleri, hidrografya ve nüfus özellikleri etkili olmuþtur.
Landforms in the Aegean Region vary in the west-east and north-south directions at short distances. The difference in morphological structure has diversified the land cover and revealed different land use types. Global, regional and local factors affecting land cover have also shown variability in the Aegean Region. Physical factors (geology, geomorphology, climate, hydrography, hydrography, soil properties and vegetation cover) are effective on land cover distribution and ecological factors, socio-economic characteristics and anthropogenic variables of human origin are also effective on land cover distribution. In this study, the land cover distribution characteristics in the Aegean Region were determined by using the WorldCover satellite data produced by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the 2018 CORINE data prepared by the European Environment Agency (EEA), and a comparison was made in two different land cover types prepared from separate databases. Since the WolrdCover data was prepared from the Sentinental-2 satellite image with a resolution of 10 metres, it was preferred in terms of detailing the distribution of land cover. This study was prepared to determine and comparatively analyse the land cover relationship based on satellite images produced from different databases. Factors affecting land cover types were tried to be explained. As a result of the analyses, it was observed that the numerical results of two different data used in determining the land cover types of the Aegean Region were not harmonised on the basis of region and provinces. The different resolution of the two data and the difference in the number of land cover types determined caused the spatial distribution of the land cover in the numerical outputs and maps to differ. Geomorphology, climate, hydrography and population characteristics, especially geomorphology, have been effective in the distribution of land cover types in the region.

9.Regional Success of Turkish Tv Series in Promoting Turkey
Eser Çapýk, Murat Ali Dulupçu
doi: 10.5505/gpts.2023.46855  Pages 158 - 175
Dünyada ABD’nin ardýndan en önemli dizi ihracatçýsý konumunda olan Türkiye’nin dizi ihracatý, son yýllarda Orta Doðu’dan Avrupa’ya Afrika’dan Güney Amerika’ya kadar uzanan geniþ bir coðrafyaya ulaþmýþtýr. Yüksek üretim deðeri, yoðun ve genellikle sürükleyici hikayeleri, aile, dostluk ve aþk gibi evrensel temalarý ele aldýðý cesur hikâye anlatýmý, coðrafi sýnýrlarýn ötesindeki izleyicilerde yanký uyandýran düþünceli içerikler, yüksek yapým kalitesi, seyircinin merakýný canlý tutan olaylar zinciri üzerine kurulmasý, oyuncularýn bir araya gelmesinden oluþan sinerji, karakterlerin tasarýmý, dizilerin duygulara dokunmasý gibi Türk dizilerinin baþarý sebepleri olarak deðerlendirilebilir. Türk dizileri, özellikle Ortadoðu, Balkanlar ve Türk dilinin konuþulduðu Asya ülkelerinde çok popüler olurken, tarihsel baðlar, ortak gelenekler ve paylaþýlan kültürel kimliklerle de birçok farklý bölge ile de yakýnlýk kurmaktadýr. Nitekim Türkiye’nin kültüründen doðan, birbirinden farklý kültürlere sahip yakýn ve uzak birçok coðrafyada derin etkiler býrakan, doðu batý sentezi oluþturan Türk dizileri aracýlýðýyla Türkiye, önemli bir turizm merkezi haline gelme baþarýsý göstermiþtir. Nitel araþtýrma yöntemlerinden literatür taramasýndan yararlanýlan bu çalýþmada Türk dizilerinin baþarýsý dört ayrý bölge halinde tüm detaylarý ile ele alýnarak, dizilerin ihraç edildiði bölgelerin ülke turizmine etkisi deðerlendirilmiþtir. Çalýþma bu yönüyle ele alýnan diðer çalýþmalara ýþýk tutma özelliðine sahiptir.
As the most important TV series exporter in the world after the USA, Türkiye's TV series exports have reached a wide geography extending from the Middle East to Europe, from Africa to South America in recent years. High production value, intense and often exciting stories, brave storytelling that deals with universal themes such as family, friendship and love, thoughtful content that resonates with audiences beyond geographical borders, high production quality, a chain of events that keep the audience's curiosity alive, the synergy created by the actors coming together, the design of the characters, and the emotional touch of the series can be considered as the reasons for the success of Turkish TV series. While Turkish TV series have become very popular especially in the Middle East, the Balkans and Asian countries where the Turkish language is spoken, they have also established proximity with many different regions through historical relations, common traditions and shared cultural identities. As a matter of fact, Türkiye has succeeded in becoming an important tourism centre through Turkish TV series, which are born out of Türkiye's culture, leave a deep impact on many geographies near and far with different cultures, and create an East-West synthesis.In this study, which utilizes literature review as one of the qualitative research methods, the success of Turkish TV series is discussed in four different regions in detail and the impact of the regions where the TV series are exported on the country's tourism is evaluated. In this respect, the study has the feature of shedding light on other studies.

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