ISSN: 2791-7460
Volume : Issue : Year : 2024

Articles are Open Access and Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Bibliometric Analysis of Articles on Natural Disasters and Tourism [GPT-Studios]
GPT-Studios. 2023; 3(2): 126-139 | DOI: 10.5505/gpts.2023.25743

Bibliometric Analysis of Articles on Natural Disasters and Tourism

Vedat Yiðitoðlu
Manavgat Tourism Faculty, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Türkiye

The aim of this research is to comprehensively reveal the current status and change of the scientific articles that have taken into account the natural disasters and tourism topics. The results are important for a better understanding of natural disasters in terms of tourism. The data was collected using the keywords "natural disaster*/natural hazard*" and "tourism/hospitality". Bibliometric analysis was performed for data analysis. Different from many bibliometric studies in the literature, Web of Science and Scopus databases, which are the most popular databases, were used together. In this context, the articles were analyzed according to publication year, author, citation, source, country and keywords. At the end of the analysis, it was revealed that there were 722 articles in total and the number of publications increased approximately three times in the last five years. When evaluated in terms of research topics, it was determined that dark tourism, resilience and destination issues have become to the forefront with climate change in recent years. However, it was understood that the number of studies conducted in Türkiye, which is one of the most important countries about natural disasters and tourism, is very limited. Based on the findings, some implications have been provided for researchers, central administrators and representatives of the tourism sector.

Keywords: Natural disasters, Tourism, Hospitality, Bibliometric analysis.

Doðal Afetler ve Turizm Konulu Makalelerin Bibliyometrik Analizi

Vedat Yiðitoðlu
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Manavgat Turizm Fakültesi, Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatlarý Bölümü, Antalya, Türkiye.

Bu araþtýrmanýn amacý, doðal afet ve turizm konularýný birlikte dikkate alan bilimsel çalýþmalarýn mevcut durumunu ve deðiþimini kapsamlý bir þekilde ortaya koymaktýr. Elde edilen sonuçlar, doðal afet konusunun turizm açýsýndan daha iyi anlaþýlmasý bakýmýndan önemlidir. Araþtýrma verileri “doðal afet*/doðal tehlike*” ve “turizm/aðýrlama” anahtar kelimeleri kullanýlarak belirlenmiþtir. Veri analizi bibliyometrik analizle gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Yazýndaki birçok bibliyometrik çalýþmadan farklý olarak en popüler veri tabanlarý olan Web of Science ve Scopus veri tabanlarý birlikte kullanýlmýþtýr. Bu kapsamda belirlenen makaleler yayýn yýlý, yazar, atýf, kaynak, ülke ve anahtar kelime bakýmýndan incelenmiþtir. Araþtýrma sonunda toplam 722 makale olduðu, son beþ yýlda yayýn sayýsýnýn üç kat arttýðý belirlenmiþtir. Araþtýrma konularý bakýmdan deðerlendirme yapýldýðýnda son yýllarda iklim deðiþikliðiyle birlikte karanlýk turizm, dayanaklýlýk ve destinasyon konularýnýn ön plana çýktýðý ortaya çýkmýþtýr. Bununla birlikte doðal afet ve turizm konusunda önemli bir ülke olan Türkiye’de yapýlmýþ araþtýrma sayýsýnýn çok az olduðu anlaþýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrma sonuçlarý doðrultusunda araþtýrmacýlar, merkezi yöneticiler ve turizm sektör temsilcileri için çýkarýmlar yapýlmýþtýr.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Doðal afetler, Turizm, Aðýrlama, Bibliyometrik analiz.

Corresponding Author: Vedat Yiðitoðlu, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: Turkish
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