ISSN: 2791-7460

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Gastronomi Turizminin Þehir Pazarlamasýna Etkisi: Üsküdar Gastronomi Sokaðý Ýstanbul Ýli Örneði [GPT-Studios]
GPT-Studios. 2023; 3(1): 40-49 | DOI: 10.5505/gpts.2023.04706

Gastronomi Turizminin Þehir Pazarlamasýna Etkisi: Üsküdar Gastronomi Sokaðý Ýstanbul Ýli Örneði

Özlem Yýldýrým1, Eren Altunbað2, Oðuzhan Týnmaz3, Hakan Yýlmaz4
1Ýstanbul Aydýn Uni̇versi̇ty, Ýstanbul, Turkey
2Ýstanbul Aydýn Universty, Ýstanbul, Turkey
3Ýstanbul Aydýn University, Istanbul, Turkey
4Anadolu University, Faculty of Tourism, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Eskiþehir, Turkey

Gastronomi turizmi, destinasyonlarýn çekiciliðini artýrmanýn yaný sýra merak edilen yerel mutfak kültürlerini yakýndan tanýma fýrsatý bulmada da önemli bir rol oynamaktadýr. Türkiye, gastronomi turizmi açýsýndan farklý kültürlerin bir arada yaþadýðý ve her þehrin kendine has mutfaðý olan bir ülke olarak tanýmlanabilir. Bu çalýþmada gastronomi turizmi ve þehir pazarlamasý iliþkisi literatür tarama yöntemiyle incelenmiþ ve Ýstanbul ilinde yer alan Üsküdar Gastronomi Sokaðý hakkýnda detaylý bilgi verilmiþtir. Yapýlan gözlem sonrasýnda, 2022 yýlýnda faaliyete baþlayan ve 250 metre uzunluðundaki Üsküdar Gastronomi Caddesi’nde toplam 63 iþletmeye ulaþýlmýþ olup ile bunlardan 31’nin gastronomi iþletmesi olmadýðý ve 32’sinin ise gastronomik ürünleri barýndýran iþletmeler olduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Araþtýrma sonucunda, Gastronomi Sokaðý’nýn olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri incelenmiþ, sonuç ve öneriler sunulmuþtur.

Gastronomy tourism plays an important role in increasing the attractiveness of destinations, as well as having the opportunity to get to know the curious local cuisine cultures closely. In terms of gastronomic tourism, Turkey can be defined as a country where different cultures coexist and each city has its own cuisine. In this study, the relationship between gastronomy tourism and city marketing was examined by the literature review method and detailed information was given about Üsküdar gastronomy street in the city of Istanbul. After the observation, the number of businesses in Üsküdar Gastronomy Street, which started operating in 2022 and is 250 meters long, has been reached, and it has been observed that 31 businesses are not gastronomy businesses in the street with a total of 63 businesses, and 32 businesses are businesses that host gastronomic products. As a result of the observation, the positive and negative aspects of the Gastronomy Street were examined and the results and suggestions were presented.

Keywords: Gastronomy street, Üsküdar, Istanbul, City marketing

Corresponding Author: Eren Altunbað, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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