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Post-modernism, along with its relational foundations, is increasingly permeating our lives and transforming our daily routines. Therefore, the spatial planes mirror these changes, and the geography discipline encompasses this situation within its research domain. From this point of view, this theoretical study has been prepared to try to understand the manifestations of post-modern geography and post-modern views on tourism spaces, which have been a critical paradigm in human geography since the 1980s. In this context, post-modern theory and post-modern geography literature within the boundaries of the study were analyzed through the relevant literature. The fractures of changing socio-economic conditions and many other parameters over time have brought about complex structures by materializing in spaces. We have attempted to comprehend the meaning of post-modern geographies and their formation within the framework of relationality. Additionally, we have attempted to communicate the perspectives formed within this framework through tourism spaces. The main goal of this study is to discuss the necessity of considering the restructuring and production of tourism spaces in conjunction with post-modern geographies.
Keywords: Tourism Geography, Post-modern Geographies, Tourism, Space.Bu çalýþma; beþerî coðrafyada 1980’lerden beri süregelen bir eleþtirel paradigma olan post-modern coðrafya ve post-modern görünümlerin turizm mekanlarý üzerindeki tezahürlerini anlamaya çalýþmak amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr. Bu kapsamda, ilgili literatür üzerinden çalýþmanýn sýnýrlarý içerisinde kalan post-modern teori ve post-modern coðrafya literatürü incelenmiþtir ve bu incelemeler sonucunda sosyo-ekonomik durumlarýn ve diðer birçok parametrelerin zaman içerisinde geçirdiði kýrýlmalar, mekanlar üzerinde somutlaþarak karmaþýk yapýlarý beraberinde getirmiþtir. Bu baðlamda çalýþmada ele alýnan bazý post-modern görünümlerin ve post-modern coðrafyalarýn neler olduðunu, nasýl bir iliþkisellik çerçevesinde þekillendiklerini ve bu çerçevede þekillenen görünümleri turizm mekanlarý üzerinden aktarmaya çalýþýlmýþtýr. Bu çalýþmanýn temel motivasyonu, turizm mekanlarýnýn yeniden yapýlanmasýný ve üretilmesini post-modern coðrafyalarla birlikte düþünmenin gerekliliðini tartýþmaktýr.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Turizm Coðrafyasý, Post-modern Coðrafyalar, Turizm, Mekân